What Coaches and Our Athletes Say About Us.

Before training with PWR Performance, I was at my worst physical and mental performance. As we started training, I slowly progressed and became familiar with the weight room. I figured out how to push myself and how to accomplish my goals. PWR Performance helped me to become the best version of myself possible in both physical and mental forms, and I have gained knowledge of how to properly lift, self awareness, as well as the mentality to get after it. Without the crucial months of training with PWR Performance and developing, I wouldn’t have reached the goals and aspirations that I’ve had.
Luke Burrell
Varsity Football
As a collegiate athlete, I have a lot of experience when it comes to high-quality, professional training… and PWR Performance offers just that. The staff is personable, qualified, motivated (for you and with you), and so much more!!! They provide training programs for a variety of sports across many age groups, and cater to the athletes developmental needs. Nonetheless, I would highly recommend PWR Performance to everyone!
Jade Hinds
UCLA Track and Field
Working with PWR performance has not only made me feel more confident but also helped me get closer to reaching my goals as an athlete. I am confident in saying that I would not be where I am today without PWR performance. Thanks for everything, Coach, your passion for your work definitely shows and pushes others including me to find that drive and love to workout.
Lauren Bowers
South Carolina Volleyball
I’ve been friends with Kevin for years and have trained with him many times over this period. No where else have I gotten the individual attention and customization for my specific needs as an athlete. His knowledge of exercise, nutrition, and mentality create the total package for any competitor trying to maximize their potential.
Nelson Spruce
NFL Wide Receiver
Through my time working with PWR Performance I was able to take my strength and agility to the next level by using the workouts coach crafted to maximize movements that I can use to excel on the field and in the weight room while also providing reasons to why we are doing the exercise and how it will help me be better. PWR Performance was essential for me to make the jump from high school lacrosse to Division 1 athletics! Coach Kevin is the man and made my transition to college as smooth as possible by preparing me in any way he could; meal prep, hydration, and even just working on balancing school and sports. PWR Performance is a special opportunity and I would highly recommend joining the PWR family!
Gavin Harmon
Saint Joseph’s Lacrosse
Coach has been such a blessing for our son. He worked with him for several years and helped him understand his 1%. Everyday be 1% better than the day before. We are grateful for all that he has poured into our son’s growth as an athlete. Coach is a great teacher and truly pays attention to the small details of making an athlete stronger, faster and better.
Parents of Andre Jackson
Varsity Football
Working with Coach and PWR Performance has allowed me to reach many of my goals as an athlete. Not only was I able to increase my vertical and become stronger, but I was given workouts that applied to many things I needed to improve in. Having one on one individual attention while working out is important to me, and I was able to get that here.
Annie Frances Sullivan
Colorado State Volleyball
Coach Kevin is the best trainer I have ever had. He breaks everything down and makes sure you understand why you are doing particular exercises. I’ve never liked working out but I was always excited to go work out with Coach Kevin. He pushed me in a way nobody ever has, but he always made sure I knew the goal I was working towards. He doesn’t just care about the training he builds relationships and gets to know you as an individual. I loved the one-on-one training and I can’t wait to go back!
Bailey Robinson
Fayetteville State Volleyball
Training with PWR Performance this summer has been such a rewarding experience! Coach Kevin is very knowledgeable about the muscle groups and techniques uniquely required for each sport and creates a plan to enhance those. He’s great at communicating and explaining why certain exercises are beneficial and making sure the correct muscles are activated! It’s a great environment to train in and I’ve added an inch to my vertical in just over 2 months of work, so I can’t wait to see what other improvements I can make when I’m back from college!
Regan Cooper
Millsaps College Volleyball
I have trained with PWR Performance for about a year and the training is like no other. Coach Kevin designs high quality workouts that focus on areas you need to work on as an individual. Coach has helped me make so much progress in not only my physical game, but my mental game as well. He truly cares about the progress and success of his athletes and I feel he has fully prepared me to be a division 1 student athlete!
Xuan Nguyen
Davidson College Volleyball
Coach Kevin is the best trainer I’ve had. Not only does he break down the workouts and show you how to do them, he also helps you set and reach your goals as an athlete. He’s helped me increase my vertical, speed, and confidence at the same time while coaching me throughout it. I’ll never forget my time working with him, and I can’t wait to start back up in the Spring! Thank you Coach Kevin and PWR Performance for everything that you’ve done for me!
Jasmine Riggins
Varsity Volleyball
PWR Performance has not only strengthened me as an athlete but as a person as well. Coach Kevin’s personalization for each workout has allowed me to understand how each exercise will help me grow as an athlete, which allows me to come closer to reaching my goals.
Marissa McLaughlin
Varsity Volleyball
Working with PWR Performance has been a special opportunity unlike any other and has indeed been a blessing. Coach seeks out my specific needs as an athlete and designs each workout to fit them. Each training session has a specific purpose and Coach always gives me his undivided attention, which is something unique and special to PWR Performance. This one-on-one time during our training sessions has allowed Coach to share his knowledge on every aspect of training. I have learned so much about not only the part of training that happens in the gym but about all the “little things” which happen outside of the gym. He has taught me the importance and vital role of attitude and mentality, proper nutrition, recovery, and hydration in training. I truly believe all the knowledge that Coach has shared with me and the emphasis he puts on it has played a significant role in my mental and physical growth. Overall, I can confidently say that I would not be where I am today without the guidance and support of Coach over the past year and a half, and for that, I am grateful! PWR Performance is truly THE best.
Lauren Sullivan
Hardin-Simmons University Volleyball
I love working with Coach Kevin and PWR performance!! Whenever I come to work out, Coach Kevin always has a smile on his face and is ready to work. He is super approachable and will help you with whatever you need. He is a great coach and has personalized workouts that are catered to my sport and my needs. I can say that every workout challenged me and pushed me to be better. While I am pushed, Coach Kevin also emphasized recovery, and we would roll out before every session, which set him apart. I strongly feel that I was prepared to transition to the college weight room and workouts because of him. I have a couple of friends who are a part of the PWR family who referred me, and I would 100% recommend Coach Kevin to any athlete wanting to reach their goals!
Leila Patel
George Washington University Basketball
“It’s a mentality”. These are the words that PWR performance has engraved in my head for the last several years. Before Kevin and PWR performance I was a skinny kid who was dealing with a lot of adversity. Kevin saw me working out by myself and looked past the physical traits and saw a boy who had untapped potential and was worth developing. Ever since Kevin has not only developed my physical and mental talents to a starting Varsity caliber , he has created the best performance program in the DFW area. Kevin’s message that he has taught me and all his other athletes is that to become a successful individual in life you must BUY IN fully and keep a positive mindset to reach your goals in life. I’m very thankful to PWR performance and Kevin for all of the work that was put in for me to become the athlete and man I am today.
Austin Gaudreau
Varsity Football
PWR Performance is more than just “physical training,” PWR Performance builds the entire athlete. I contacted Kevin to work with my High School volleyball program over the summer, to prepare them for the season. I thought I was just going to get strength and conditioning training twice a week, but then my girls received so much more. Kevin put us in contact with Dr. Lewis, an extremely knowledgeable Sports Psychologist, who conducted Mental Training Webex meetings with my girls weekly. He gave us his team of nutritionists, who talked to my girls virtually and even CAME to their workouts to check in with them face to face. And then he gave us himself, even AFTER summer workouts were over, by helping me create an in season weight room program and coming to support my girls at their games during the fall (which they LOVED)! Kevin is excellent at what he does and is 100% all in. His energy is contagious, his knowledge and experience are vast and he genuinely loves and cares about his athletes.
Rachel Buckley
The Colony High School Head Volleyball Coach

Maximize Your Athletic Performance

Our expertise, combined with your drive to advance your performance, allows us to create a custom program specifically tailored to you.